Tuesday, June 30, 2020
WATCH: Israel Takes Out 6 Iranian Fighters in Syria in 4th Strike in a Month
WATCH: NY Mayor Busted by Feds for Targeting Jews with Corona Crusade
WATCH: US Envoy to Lebanon Warns ‘Hezbollah Siphons Off Billions,’ Gets Banned from TV
Massive Explosion Near Tehran Was Result of Israeli Cyberattack, Security Expert Says
Candidate for Michigan City Council Under Fire for Anti-Israel Activism
Rashida Tlaib Stumps with Friend Who Compared IDF to ISIS
From The Religion Of Peace
Pakistan: Muslims abduct 14-year-old Hindu girl, her mother cries “It’s a curse to be born in an Islamic country”
These “love jihad” incidents are motivated by supremacist assumptions. The idea is that the Muslim community will always grow at the expense of the non-Muslim community.
"It is a curse to born in an Islamic County".
Says a Non-Muslim, Hindu mother, while hiting herself with grief, falling unconscious, whose 14-years daughter, Nasiban, is taken for sexual exploitation & forced conversion to Islam in Saedabad,Hala,Mitiari, Sindh-Pakistan.27-6-2020
“‘It’s a curse to be born in an Islamic country’ says mother of the 14-year-old abducted Hindu girl in Sindh, Pakistan,” OpIndia, June 28, 2020:
Pakistan has a history of atrocities against the minority community, especially Hindu girls where they are often kidnapped and forcefully converted to Islam. Many of these girls are minors and are sexually exploited.
Another 14-year-old Hindu girl has been abducted in Pakistan. According to an activist, Rahat Austin, working in Pakistan, the alleged abduction took place on 27th June in Saedabad, Hala Mitiari, of Sindh province Pakistan. In a video shared by the activist, the mother of the abducted girl was seen broken down with grief. She kept on saying that “It’s a curse to be born in an Islamic country.”
As per Rahat Austin, the 14-year-old Nasiban was taken for sexual exploitation and forced conversion to Islam….
Monday, June 29, 2020
Massive Explosion Near Tehran Was Result of Israeli Cyberattack, Security Expert Says
‘Sword of Islam’ Terror Group Claims ‘Barq-80 Rockets Can Strike Tel Aviv’
Fox Channel ‘Glorifies’ Notorious Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan
Will BDS ‘Day of Rage’ in US Feature Violent Riots Like Palestinian Counterpart?
College Stands by Student Leader Who Claimed Jews ‘Worship’ WW2
Neo-Nazi Jihadi in US Army Planned Terror Attack on His Own Unit
WATCH: Israeli Farmers Wield Secret Weapon to Save Crops
WATCH: ‘Declare War on Israel!’ Demands Jordanian Lawmaker, Calling to Unleash Terror
From The Religion Of Peace
How could Yusuf Selami Çakaroğlu, who has dedicated his life to understanding Islam properly, have missed what is crystal clear to so many non-Muslim politicians in the West, that Islam is a religion of peace? Yusuf Selami Çakaroğlu is likely now to run afoul of Pope Francis, who has made the risible claim that “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.” No doubt he is on his way to Turkey now to explain to Çakaroğlu how he is misunderstanding his peaceful religion.
“Jihadist cleric who adores al-Qaeda gets released to continue preaching in Turkey,” by Abdullah Bozkurt, Nordic Monitor, June 17, 2020 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
Yusuf Selami Çakaroğlu, a Turkish pro-al-Qaeda cleric under indictment, escaped from the grip of the criminal justice system in Turkey thanks to the intervention of the Islamist government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. He has been freely preaching in Turkish provinces and parading on government-controlled TV networks to propagate radical views for some time now.
Çakaroğlu, 49, was part of what is called in Turkish the Tahşiyeciler, or Molla Muhammetçiler, a jihadist group led by Mehmet Doğan (aka Mullah Muhammed el-Kesri), who openly declared his admiration for Osama bin Laden and called for armed jihad in Turkey. The group had been under surveillance by Turkish security agencies since early 2000, and internal communiques among intelligence services described it as a dangerous group supportive of al-Qaeda. The probe revealed that the terrorist group had sent close to 100 people to Afghanistan for arms training….
In seized tape recordings intended for indoctrination purposes, Mullah Muhammed was heard calling for violent jihad: “I’m telling you to take up your guns and kill them.” He also asked his followers to build bombs and mortars in their homes, urged the decapitation of Americans, claiming that the religion allows such practices. “If the sword is not used, then this is not Islam,” he stated. According to him, all Muslims were obligated to respond to then-al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden’s armed fight.
Ali Fuat Yılmazer, the police intelligence chief, informed provincial intelligence units about the Tahşiyeyeciler on December 3, 2008, describing it as a radical group with a membership of around 5,000. The intelligence note stated that the group was spreading jihadist propaganda and listed cihaderi.net as one such site. According to the WayBack machine’s archived page of the now-defunct website, the group openly identified itself with al-Qaeda and posted news, videos and articles promoting armed jihadist activity around the world.
The declaration made by the administrators of cihaderi.net reads: “We are on the path and belief put forward by the jihadist community gathered under the banner of al-Qaeda, and where Sheikh Osama bin Laden, Sheikh Zawahiri and Sheikh Zarkawi wanted all jihadists around the world to follow and comply with.”…
Erdoğan vigorously defended Mullah Muhammed, helped secure his and his associates’ acquittals through his loyalist judges and prosecutors, launched a crackdown on journalists who criticized his radical group and even hired a lawyer to file a civil suit in the US against Muslim scholar Fethullah Gülen for defaming this fanatic. The Bakirköy 3rd High Criminal Court acquitted all suspects including Mullah Muhammed and Çakaroğlu of al-Qaeda charges on December 15, 2015. In a contradiction of past records, the Security General Directorate (Emniyet) also issued a new report whitewashing the activities of the group.
What is more, the Erdoğan government invited Mullah Muhammed and his men including Çakaroğlu in 2014 to file criminal complaints against the police officers, prosecutors and judges who investigated the group as well as journalists and Muslim scholars like Gülen who criticized this al-Qaeda-linked organization.
Portraying Tahşiyeciler as victimized, Erdoğan even launched a public campaign on behalf of Mullah Muhammed, saying in a speech delivered on December 15, 2014 that Mullah Muhammed was unjustly arrested, served 17 years in jail and lost 90 percent of the sight in both eyes. That was not true, of course, as the cleric served only 17 months and had perfect vision. He was reading quite easily from a document when he declared his love affair with Osama bin Laden during a live TV interview on CNN Türk with Akif Beki, a former spokesman for Erdoğan….
Sunday, June 28, 2020
For the Love of Zion, Jews in the Diaspora – Come Home!
ACT NOW! Tell University to Fire Professor Who Equates Zionism with ‘White Supremacy’
Good News Israel! Special-needs Israeli Kids Heal Animals, Urban Agriculture in Tel Aviv, and More!
US Blasts Abbas Lie About ‘Peace’ While Encouraging ‘Millions of Fighters’
Israeli Scientists Believe This is the Key to Defeating Corona
WEBINAR: Yearning for Zion – from Biblical Prophets to Modern-day Zionists
WATCH: Palestinian Journalist Gloats Over Murder of US Marines in Lebanon
WATCH: UK Labour Axes Lawmaker Over Anti-Semitic Conspiracy
WATCH: ‘Terrorist Stared Me Down Before Car Ramming,’ Says Injured IDF Soldier
New Irish Government Rejects Effort to Boycott Israeli Products
Muslim cleric calls for murder of US-based women’s rights activist for criticizing Iran’s ban on women cycling
Has this cleric ever protested against Qur’an-sanctioned violence against women? What do you think?
Another cleric in Iran sends me death threats.
Recently, I had challenged Islamic Republic of Iran's ban on women's cycling. They say "it provokes men"
Historically, their own saints like Zeinab & Zahra had ridden camels.Why isn't that provocative?
These clerics are insecure
“Iranian cleric’s call to kill activist challenging country’s ban on women cycling,” by Simon MacMichael, road.cc, June 18, 2020 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
An Iranian cleric has called on followers to “kill” an award-winning journalist and women’s rights campaigner after she challenged the country’s ban on women cycling.
Masih Alinejad, who lives in exile in the United States, posted a video to Twitter in which the unnamed cleric insisted she should be punished for apostasy – the rejection or renunciation of a religious faith.
“You’ve seen accursed Masih Alinejad and her insult to Saint Zeinab,” he said.
“How do you think we should punish this accursed hooligan?
“She should be punished for apostasy. This accursed person should be punished for apostasy.
“If no-one can kill her, she should at least lead an underground life.
“She provokes our youth – ‘If someone tells you not to ride a bike, tell them this. Talk about Zeinab, Zahra’.”
Making reference to the fatwa issued against Salman Rushdie following the publication of the novel The Satanic Verses, he said: “Wasn’t there another infidel abroad who had said something against Islam? He was considered an apostate and killed.
“How about Salman Rushdie? He still lives underground,” the cleric added.
In 2016, Iran’s supreme leader issued a fatwa forbidding women from cycling – with some posting videos to social media of them riding their bikes in response.
A video of a mother and daughter riding their bikes was posted to Facebook group My Stealthy Freedom, founded by Alinejad….
Saturday, June 27, 2020
One new drug may treat both Covid-19 and Alzheimer’s

AZTherapies has raised over $100 million and is building collaborations with Israeli institutions to commercialize the treatment after its expected FDA approval next year.
By Abigail Klein Leichman, ISRAEL21c
A novel Alzheimer’s disease treatment now in advanced Phase 3 clinical trials could also prove effective in treating lung inflammation caused by Covid-19.
The investigational therapy, ALZT-OP1, suppresses the immune system’s production of cytokines — proteins that trigger inflammation in a natural response to infection.
A “cytokine storm” caused by an overzealous immune response plays a role in neuroinflammatory diseases such as Alzheimer’s, and in infectious diseases such as Covid-19 and influenza.
“When we have too much virus in our lungs, our immune system starts reacting by activating cytokines to bombard the virus,” explains Israeli-born Harvard Medical School associate professor and serial medical entrepreneur David Elmaleh, scientific founder and CEO of AZTherapies.
“But the number of cytokinesis is so high it causes inflammation of the lung and that can be dangerous. Our drug would slow the cytokine release and allow other treatments to work,” he tells ISRAEL21c.
AZTherapies was founded in 2011 with $2 million from some of Elmaleh’s previous Israeli investors.
The startup has now raised over $100 million and is building collaborations with Israeli institutions to commercialize the treatment after its expected FDA approval next year.
Learning from mistakes
Elmaleh began by examining why previous Alzheimer’s drug candidates failed. Most of them attempted to prevent or dissolve the amyloid-beta plaques long thought to be the primary cause of disease.
He saw three main problems plaguing the failed trials: too wide an age range of patients; too narrow a focus on one mechanism of treatment; and toxicity from prolonged drug exposure.
Elmaleh’s approach is limited to people in the first stages of the disease and utilizes four treatment mechanisms.
ALZT-OP1 is a proprietary mixture of a bit of ibuprofen (to treat inflammation) and cromolyn, originally an asthma drug.
“Cromolyn doesn’t work the way it was approved because in asthma treatment it goes only into the upper lung,” Elmaleh explains. “I reengineered it to go into the deeper lung.”
AZTherapies has more than 100 patents and patent applications on the formulation and the delivery method to get the drug across the blood-brain barrier.
“Although it uses two existing drugs, it’s like a new drug and needs its own approval,” says Elmaleh.
Phase 3 clinical trials
For its advanced randomized clinical trials, AZTherapies identified participants based on cognition, function tests and brain pathology assessed by Alzheimer’s biomarkers in spinal fluid.
“We screened 1,753 people in North America and Europe, and from that we got 620 subjects with the biomarkers that indicate early Alzheimer’s,” Elmaleh says.
Of those 620, 589 completed 24 weeks of treatment, 492 completed 48 weeks of treatment, and 380 completed the whole 72-week study cycle.
“We wanted to see if we are really modifying the path of the disease. We will unblind the study at the end of this year and then we’ll know how successful we are,” says Elmaleh.
“We already know that giving our drug for a year and half is safe. That’s a very important issue because in the brain you have to treat disease for several years, unlike cancer.”
He stresses that ALZT-OP1 is not a cure. Its goal is to keep early-stage patients disease-free for a longer period by slowing cytokine release.
“By the age of 80, one in three people develops Alzheimer’s. I’m trying to move the curve to 85 or 90 or maybe beyond,” says Elmaleh.
Covid-19 trials
Meanwhile, the novel coronavirus pandemic hit the world and Elmaleh believed ALZT-OP1 could help patients with associated breathing distress caused by a cytokine storm.
AZTherapies prepared a clinical trial protocol for the FDA and has approached several European countries and Israeli hospitals about trying its drug candidate on Covid-19 patients.
Elmaleh has an impressive track record: several previous startups (among them Molecular Insight and Puretech Health) led to treatments representing more than a billion dollars in shareholder value. One of his inventions is FDG, the radionuclide used in PET scans.
He was named one of “Biotech’s Most Enterprising Entrepreneurs” in Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News in 2014.
Elmaleh was raised in the 1960s in Musrara (Morasha), then a neglected neighborhood of North African immigrants on the then-dangerous seam between the east and west sides of Jerusalem.
In 1971, the same year Elmaleh received his PhD in organic chemistry from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, many of his childhood peers established the Israeli Black Panthers, one of Israel’s first effective movements for social and economic justice.
Elmaleh made a different kind of history by becoming the first Musrara resident to do post-doc studies at Harvard. He remained there, raising his family in Boston and finding success in academia and entrepreneurship.
Thanks to Elmaleh’s affiliations with Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital, AZTherapies has an all-star lineup of scientific and business advisers from these institutions.
He tells ISRAEL21c that AZTherapies’ approach to neuroinflammation is also being studied by other pharma companies.
“Others are now looking at the same things as us, but we are ahead of everyone else and we’ll be the first to market,” he predicts.