Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Biden’s Palestinian-American Staffer Justified Suicide Bombings in Past

Reema Dodin

New White House staffer justified suicide bombings during the Second Intifada when Palestinian terrorists blew up hundreds of Israelis.

By Yakir Benzion, United With Israel 

President-elect Joe Biden named a long-time Democratic aide to his White House staff who once made excuses for Palestinian suicide bombers during the deadly Second Intifada when terrorists killed over a thousand Israelis.

Biden appointed Reema Dodin, whose parents are Palestinian-Americans, was appointed as a deputy director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs.

In 2002, when the second Palestinian intifada was raging and Palestinian suicide bombers were killing Israeli civilians left and right, Dodin gave a talk at a church in Lodi, California where the local newspaper reported that she told the audience that “suicide bombers were the last resort of a desperate people.”

In reality, the Second Intifada was launched in a calculated manner in 2002 and was organized and managed by Palestinian terror groups not out of “desperation,” but as a brutal policy of trying to bludgeon the Israeli public into accepting Palestinian terms.

Far from being desperate, Palestinian groups recruited and trained suicide bombing teams based on ideology. Years later it became known that the Palestinians had developed their pay-for-slay policy in which they continue to pay monthly stipends to the families of suicide bombers and to the families of those jailed for helping plan the deadly terrorist attacks.

According to keywiki.org, a site that bills itself as “unlocking the covert side of U.S. and global politics,” Dodin “is in regular contact with the Council on American Islamic Relations” (CAIR) and is “is a Palestinian rights activist who organized anti-Israel rallies at the University of California at Berkeley as a student.”

CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2009 Holy Land Foundation (HLF) retrial, which was the largest case in American history related to terro financing.

Unlike most people her age in the modern era, Dodin has an almost invisible social media footprint. It is not clear if she is simply not active, or has removed all evidence of her previous postings.

As of Tuesday, Dodin’s Twitter account had been protected with private access only so it is impossible to find out what she has tweeted about. Similarly, her Facebook account appears to have been cleaned out of all content. An Instagram account named “Reema Dodin” has 31 posts and 82 followers, but is labeled “This Account is Private.”

Dodin is a graduate University of California at Berkeley with another degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She has been associated with the Biden campaign and also worked on the Obama election campaigns. She is a veteran of Capital Hill having worked as deputy chief of staff for Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois.

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