Tuesday, November 24, 2020

First Epileptic Patient in Israel Gets Innovative Pacemaker

Israel's Ichilov Hospital. (Lior Tsur/Ichilov Spokesman) 
Ichilov Hospital


“The new pacemaker allows the neurologist to monitor the effect of the treatment on brain activity and to offer a customized brain stimulation treatment to the patient,” explained Dr. Firas Fahum.


For the first time in Israel, doctors implanted an innovative pacemaker in an epileptic patient that allows the recording of brain activity from deep areas of the brain in addition to electrical stimulation.

The transplant was performed by Dr. Ido Strauss, director of the functional neurosurgery unit at the Ichilov Neurological Department.

The device used is Medtronic’s new “Perfect” Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) pacemaker, which offers new options for treating patients with neurological disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s.

“The new pacemaker allows the neurologist to monitor the effect of the treatment on brain activity and to offer a customized brain stimulation treatment to the patient,” explained Dr. Firas Fahum, director of the epilepsy unit at the Ichilov Neurology Department.

The first patient to undergo the unique treatment in Israel is a patient with severe epilepsy who did not respond to medication and a different pacemaker model, and the new pacemaker opens up a new therapeutic horizon for her.

“The operation was successful, and the pacemaker was activated without side effects and we continue to monitor the patient closely,” Dr. Strauss said.

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